
A good year expected for the MRF and MAPS
2022 is already in full swing for the Marketing Research Foundation (MRF). Four releases of MAPS (#marketingallproductsurvey) are planned for the year, with the earliest penned for this month, comprising the October 2020 to September 2021 fieldwork…

MAPS 9 month data released
The Marketing Research Foundation (MRF) is pleased to announce that the next quarter’s Marketing All Product Survey (MAPS) data, fieldwork period of July 2020 to March 2021, is available to subscribers and their agencies from 30 June 2021.

MAPS 9-month data to be released in June
The Marketing Research Foundation (MRF) is pleased to announce its quarterly release of the Marketing All Product Survey (MAPS). The next release encompasses nine-month data (July 2020 to March 2021) and will be released towards the end of…

The MRF releases MAPS Wave 1 data
The Marketing Research Foundation (MRF) has made available a limited release of the demographics and segmentation of the first wave of MAPS (Marketing All Product Survey) data to all users. This data can be accessed via all software bureaux.

It’s here! MAPS goes into the field!
The Marketing Association of South Africa (MASA) and the Marketing Research Foundation (MRF) are delighted to announce that MAPS, the long-awaited products and brands replacement survey for AMPS, will officially start collecting valuable consumer…